Home ART & ENTERTAINMENT 10 Things Every Lady Should Have In Her Purse, By Tosyn Bucknor

10 Things Every Lady Should Have In Her Purse, By Tosyn Bucknor

Lady and handbag

It’s a common joke that women have everything in their bags; it is so bad that if you were to stop one on the road and give her a ticket to any country in the world, she’d be ready!

Well, of all the things we could possibly put in our handbags, here are the Essential Ten!

Some kind of book!: Be it a novel, a writing pad, some kind of ‘old skool‘ address book, or a sheet of paper, it is important to have something in your bag to take notes with, or to at least keep you company when you get bored!

Tampons or Pads and Tissue: Because no one wants to be stuck somewhere saying, ‘I really should have gone to Shoprite…

‘Hand sanitizer or wipes: On the average day, you probably shake a million hands, touch a thousand surfaces, and go to the bathroom. Imagine all the germs you are touching and spreading and touching and spreading and…You catch my drift. Keep a sanitizer or wipes handy.

Phones and Gadgets: Phone… Duh! But gadgets, like books, keep you company when no one else can!

Make Up, Mirror and Blotting Paper: It does not have to be the full make up kit, but the essentials like lipstick or lip gloss and powder are great. Then a mirror, so you can discreetly check if you have meat stuck between your teeth, and blotting paper to absorb all that oil without ruining your make up.

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Painkillers: For those pesky headaches or random pains.

Hand Lotion: No matter how moisturised you are before you leave the house, between washing your hands for meals or shaking hands and holding things, your hand loses the moisture. Dry hands are not fun so keep the lotion handy.

Deodorant and/or Perfume: You can never tell how long your day is going to get or which emergencies may pop up, so it helps to have something in your bag that keeps you fresh all day long.

Breath mints or Gum: Because bad breath will always be a no…

Money and Identification: Whether you are out on a date or out for the day, there should always be cash in your bag. There should also be a driver’s license and another form of identification with you….


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