Home BUSINESS AVIATION Civil Aviation Authority Gives 14-Day Ultimatum To Airlines To Pay Debts Or...

Civil Aviation Authority Gives 14-Day Ultimatum To Airlines To Pay Debts Or Be Grounded

Lagos airport
The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has given a 14-day ultimatum to airline operators that have not remitted the five per cent Ticket Sales Charge (TSC) to do so or it would ground their operations after the deadline.
NCAA said the TSC funds are used to sustain its activities and part of it is shared by the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET), the Nigeria College of Aviation Technological Agency (NCAT) and the Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB).
It was learnt that foreign airlines that fly into the country pay their charges promptly but almost all the domestic carriers delay their payments which have risen to over N9 billion in the last four years. [myad]

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