Home BUSINESS AVIATION Dana Air To Train, Employ 50 Youth Corpers

Dana Air To Train, Employ 50 Youth Corpers

Dana Air has announced plans to absorb and train over 50 Corp members and interns as part of it’s broad Corporate Social Responsibility,
The airline said that the training will be across various areas which includes Human Resources, IT, Ticketing, Customer Service, Quality Assurance, Commercial, Marketing and others.
Speaking on the CSR drive, the Chief Operating Officer of Dana Air, Ememobong Ettete said: “Dana Air’s CSR initiative is broad-base and inclusive.
“Since inception, we have trained a lot of corps members and interns who ended up becoming Cabin crew, Ticketing officers, customer Service agents, HR Officers and even Accountants.
“The list is endless, and this is because we believe that we can create a career path for these young Nigerians and give them a clear direction as most of them are actually very passionate about aviation but have not got the opportunity to explore or venture, but we have been creating that window for them and the impact has been huge.
”Yes, it is happening at a peculiar time but CSR is a commitment and everything doesn’t have to be rosy for you to be driven to implement it.
”We also have those who are currently doing their OJT ( On the job training) with us and they are doing incredibly well also.”