Home BUSINESS BANKING & FINANCE NANS Demands Transparency in Presidential Grant Programme

NANS Demands Transparency in Presidential Grant Programme

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has expressed concern over the lack of transparency in the Presidential Conditional Grant Programme, launched by the federal government to combat economic hardship.

In a press statement today, April 18, NANS PRO Sen. Mimidoo Joy Gundu questioned the programme’s advertisement, timeline, and beneficiary selection criteria.

She noted that unlike previous social security programmes, this grant’s communication lacked clarity and accessibility.

NANS demands to know when the grant scheme was initiated and communicated to Nigerians, the criteria used to select beneficiaries and why the students’ community was not engaged in stakeholders’ discussions

The association urges the Minister of Trade and Investment to put a hold on disbursement due to a flawed beneficiary selection process, open registration for at least 30 days and Advertise the process on TV, radio, national dailies, billboards, and major cities

NANS calls for an expanded stakeholders meeting and transparency briefing session to provide clarity on the programme’s inception, communication, and beneficiary selection.

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