Home BUSINESS OIL & GAS Group Calls For “War” Against Thieves Stealing NDDC Blind

Group Calls For “War” Against Thieves Stealing NDDC Blind

A group which goes by the name, Niger Delta Concerned Indigenes has called for a “war” against those it called thieves that have over the years, stolen the resources of the region, especially the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).
In a few words designed and being circulated around the social media, the group wanted the people in the region to join hand with the chairman of the NDDC Board, Lauretta Onochie to get rid of the age-long marauders in the system.
“This is the time for all men and women of goodwill from Niger Delta region to stand up.”
It stressed the urgent need to rally round Lauretta Onochie “in her epic battle with buccaneers and wolves in the NDDC and the region who have, over the years, appropriated the wealth of the region, using thievery, shenanigans and chicanery. Enough is enough.”

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