Home FAITH Father Kukah Laments Commercialization Of Churches

Father Kukah Laments Commercialization Of Churches

Father Mathew KukahThe Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Father Matthew Hassan Kukah, has lamented the commercialization of churches with religious leaders making investment of billions of Naira into the running of the churches.

Father Kukah, in his Christmas message, said that Christian religion ought to be a profit-making venture as it has now been turned.

“The word of God and its living blessings are free. Isaiah said that much when he said ‘come all of you who are thirsty, come to the water and you who have no money, come and eat. Buy wine and milk without money and without cost (Isaiah: 55:1)’,” the clergyman said.

Father Kukah pointed out that there were times when the Catholic Church was guilty of “simony” – the practice of making profit out of sacred things.

“That was one of the reasons for Father Martin Luther’s revolt. But, so much has changed now. Prayer for our people is the duty of all ordained ministers, but today, it has become subject to abuse.”

The cleric called on Christians to return to the model of Jesus Christ as they celebrate Christmas, adding that considering the life that Christ lived, it was difficult to understand how Nigerians had come to equate success, prosperity and blessings of God with wealth. [myad]