Home FAITH I May Die In 3 Year’s Time, Pope Francis Predicts

I May Die In 3 Year’s Time, Pope Francis Predicts

Pope Francis

Pope Francis has predicted that he may die within two to three years even as he never rules out retirement before then. This is the first time the Pope is publicly giving the prospect of his death when he spoke to reporters on a flight back to the Vatican from South Korea today.

The 77-year-old pontiff, who seemed in good spirits, was asked about his global popularity, which was evident again during his five-day visit.

He responded by saying:“I see it as the generosity of the people of God. I try to think of my sins, my mistakes, not to become proud. Because I know it will last only a short time. Two or three years and then I’ll be off to the Father’s House.”

The Argentine pope said he could handle the popularity “more naturally” these days, though at first it had “scared me a little.”

While the pope has not spoken publicly before about when he might meet his maker, a Vatican source said he had previously told those close to him that he thought he only had a few years left.

Pope Francis also mentioned the possibility of retiring from the Papacy, as his predecessor Benedict XVI did last year, if he felt he could no longer adequately perform his duties.

Resigning the papacy was a possibility “even if it does not appeal to some theologians,” he told reporters.

He added that 60 years ago, it was practically unheard of for Catholic bishops to retire, but nowadays it was common, adding: “Benedict XVI opened a door.”

Francis admitted that he had “some nerve problems,” which required treatment.

“Must treat them well, these nerves, give them mate (an Argentine stimulant tea) every day,” he joked. One of these neuroses, is that I’m too much of a homebody,” he added, recalling that the last time he’d taken a holiday outside of his native Argentina was “with the Jesuit community in 1975.” [myad]