Home FAITH NAHCON Boss Dismisses Those Criticizing 2024 Hajj, Says It’s A Success Story

NAHCON Boss Dismisses Those Criticizing 2024 Hajj, Says It’s A Success Story

Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi has dismissed those who are criticizing the 2024 Hajj in Saudi Arabia, describing it as a successful accomplishment.
He said that the success of the Hajj is the majority opinion, “even if we respect minority opinion.
“Where there was substantial progress, we congratulate ourselves. “If it was not uniform, we learn from it and leap further.”
A statement by the spokesperson of NAHCON, Fatima Sanda Usara said that the chairman spoke when the operatives of the Commission were hosted to an end of Hajj dinner by Ithraa Al Khair Company of Mutawwifs, also known as Mu’assasa, at the Crowne Plaza in Jeddah yesterday, June 28.
In attendance were Executive Secretaries and Chairmen of State Pilgrims Welfare Boards/Agencies/Commissions, Private Tour Operators, and other guests.
The statement quoted Jalal Arabi as saying that Mina was a fantastic attempt, “in some places, it was excellent”.
The chairman confirmed that there were excess camp spaces but that inability to channel the complains through the right channels prevented full utilization. He acknowledged that there areas for potential improvement, reminding guests that Hajj is not a “we” versus “you” project.
“It is the collective positive efforts of all groups that lead to desired outcomes.”
He advised stakeholders to put heads together to proffer solutions to noticeable challenges. The chairman said that bickering and accusations are time consuming systems that may prove costly in a time sensitive assignment such as Hajj.
In his remarks, Chairman of the Mu’assasa group, Ithraa Al Khair, Dr. Ahmad Sindhi, described 2024 Hajj as the most successful in recent years.
He attributed this achievement to the collective efforts and dedication of all involved, acknowledging the commitments made by his company and Malam Jalal Ahmad Arabi of NAHCON.
“We made promises and challenged ourselves,” remarked Dr. Sindhi, “as a result of the dialogues, I have honor and satisfaction to stand before you, having dispensed our best effort to deliver on every bit of these promises.”
Dr. Sindhi disclosed that The Ithra al Khair company brought 60 chefs from Nigeria to cook specialized meals for the country’s pilgrims.
He described it as an honour when he went round the tents in Arafat, seeing pilgrims praying in their air-conditioned tents and unconcerned about food and water because they were in abundance.
Sindhi defined this as one of the most satisfying visits he had.
Dr. Sindhi noted with pride that the unique tents in Arafat and exceptional services provided during the pilgrimage were widely appreciated by his competitors too, whilst drawing attention to the significant changes in Muzdalifa.
The Mu’assasa Chairman reflecting his company’s commitment to excellence, invested close to $200,000,000 to develop Mina tents.
The Chairman of the Mu’assasa group celebrated the NAHCON Chairman Malam Jalal Arabi and other prominent NAHCON staff for their dedication. In appreciation Dr Sindhi presented gifts to NAHCON for the partnership.
The company appreciated the Nigerian state delegations for their cooperation towards success of the exercise.