Home NEWS Support Us As We Demolish Illegal Structures, FCT Minister Pleads With Residents

Support Us As We Demolish Illegal Structures, FCT Minister Pleads With Residents

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Muhammad Bello Musa has appealed to Abuja resdents to support his administration as it continued to demolish illegal structures in the capital city.

In a New Year message to the residents today, January 1, 2023, the minister said: “we solicit your cooperation and support, as we continue the task of removing illegal structures and settlements within our city both for security purposes and maintaining the sanctity of the Abuja Masterplan.”

Muhammad Bello said that these corrective measures are absolutely essential if truly Abuja city is to evolve into one of the most aesthetically pleasing and functional cities in the world.

“The presence of illegal settlements and shanties will only draw us further away from attaining this goal.”

According to the minister, the capital city is confronted daily with the unwholesome and unpatriotic activities of vandals who wantonly destroy or steal public infrastructure installed by government at great cost.

He said that replacing or repairing such critical infrastructure cost a lot of money which otherwise would have been invested in other equally essential projects.

“You are therefore enjoined to treat critical public infrastructure as you would treat your personal property and help to protect all public assets located within your vicinity.

“As residents of the FCT, we are obliged to live up to the ideals of the founding fathers of the Territory as a place where every Nigerian can call home.  We must therefore, collectively resist any attempt to cause disharmony and disaffection within our ranks. Elections in the FCT have always been peaceful. Let us ensure that the upcoming 2023 polls also reflect this.”

Muhammadu Bello is happy that despite the heavy rainfalls and attendant floods that devastated several parts of the country, the capital city was largely spared the misfortune.

“This is because, having learnt from our experiences in the past, adequate measures were taken to prevent any such re-occurrence.

“ I must therefore extend our appreciation to residents for their understanding despite the discomforts they must have endured in the course of our remedial measures. I hereby call for your continuous support and cooperation.”

He commended the security agencies in the FCT for the tremendous work they have been doing in ensuring the safety of lives and property within the Territory as the incidences of violent crimes have witnessed a decline over the past few months.

The minister recalled that some of the gallant men and women who have seen to this possibility have even paid the ultimate price in the course of discharging their responsibilities.

He reassured them of the continuous support of the Administration as demonstrated with the provision of 60 high-capacity vehicles in addition to accompanying security and communication equipment last year.

“We will continue to support them in every way possible and also enjoin the citizenry to cooperate with our law enforcement agencies whenever the need arises.

The minister reminded residents that the maintenance of security is the responsibility of all, even as he reiterated the mantra of say ‘something when you see something’.

He assured that his Administration is committed to sustaining the growth and development of the Territory despite the challenges of dwindling financial resources and the ever increasing population.

“We are evolving new strategies to meet our financial obligations in line with growing demands.

“The creation of the Economic Planning, Revenue Generation and Public Private Partnership Secretariat and the upscaling of the functions of the FCT IRS are but two of the measures taken to shore up our revenue base to meet our needs.

“Residents are therefore enjoined to also play their part by being up to date in the payment of their taxes to enable us continue to serve you better.”

He assured the resident that over the next five months heralding the end of the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, the his Administration will not relent in its efforts of ensuring the development of the Territory and the well-being of its residents.