Home FEATURES FCT Minister Bans Hawkers, Beggars On Pedestrian Bridges

FCT Minister Bans Hawkers, Beggars On Pedestrian Bridges

Pedetrian bridge

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Muhammad Musa Bello has banned hawkers and beggars from using pedestrian bridges for their activities. He gave directive to the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) and the FCT Task Team on Environment to effect the ban with immediate effect.

Muhammad Bello, who spoke when he paid an unscheduled visit on Friday to Pedestrian Bridge in Ludge, a village along the Airport Road, warned that hawking and other activities are not acceptable on the Pedestrian bridges across the territory and called for stern enforcement.

He reiterated that such bridges were constructed for easy movement and passage of residents crossing the highways but not for hawking, begging or other nuisances, adding that his government is not prepared to take excuses anymore.

Muhammad Bello also instructed the AEPB and the Task Team to get rid of herdsmen still grazing in the Federal Capital City, saying: “you must find a way in dealing with that bizarre situation.” [myad]