Home FEATURES How America Aids And Abates The Escalation Of Boko Haram War –...

How America Aids And Abates The Escalation Of Boko Haram War – President Buhari

Muhammadu buhari and Barack ObamaPresident Muhammadu Buhari has blamed the United States of America for resorting to what he called “blanket application of the Leahy Law on the grounds of unproven allegations of human rights violation for the escalation of Boko Haram insurgency and terrorism in Nigeria.
“The blanket application of the Leahy Law by the United States on the grounds of unproven allegations of human rights violations levelled
against our forces has denied us access to appropriate strategic weapons to prosecute the war against the insurgents.
“In the face of abduction of innocent school girls from their hostels, indiscriminate bombings of civilians in markets and places of worship, our forces have remained largely impotent because they do not possess the appropriate weapons and technology which they could have had, had the so called human rights violations not been an obstacle.”
President Buhari who addressed the United States Institute for Peace, in Washington DC today as he concluded his four-day official visit to the United States said: “​unwittingly, and I dare say, unintentionally, the application of the Leahy law amendment by the U. S. Government has aided and abated the Boko Haram terrorist group in the prosecution of its extremist ideology and hate, the indiscriminate killings and maiming of civilians, in raping of women and girls, and in their other heinous crimes. I believe this is not the spirit of the Leahy Laws. I know the American people cannot support any group engaged in these crimes. ​I therefore strongly appeal to both the Executive Arm and the US Congress to examine how the US Government can provide us with far more substantial counter-terrorism assistance with minimal strings.
“The longer we delay, the deadlier the Boko Haram gets. At all events, we have re-written the rules of engagement protecting the rights of combatants and in particular safeguarding civilians in theatres of conflict.”
Reacting to a question after his address, President Buhari assured that he would work very hard to sustain the current goodwill his government had received at home and abroad, adding that despite his perceived slowness and the reality of lack of resources, he would work very hard “so that people will see and believe that we are trying and can deliver and hopefully become less critical.”
The Nigerian leader acknowledged the huge challenges confronting his administration such as the crash in the price of crude oil, its theft, pipeline vandalisation in the Niger Delta, hostage taking and insecurity in the North East, even as he restated his determination to sustain the goodwill by working very hard.
“And I believe I will succeed,” he declared emphatically.
“Despite our current challenges, Nigeria’s commitment to good governance, anti-corruption, democracy and security of lives and property remains firm. Similarly, I must reaffirm that despite the current challenges that we face domestically, we are ready and willing to face our duties…​Fixing Nigeria’s problems as formidable as they are is the responsibility of Nigerians.  The international community can only assist, but the hard work belongs to Nigerians and their government.  I will as President, lead from the front, but all Nigerians, including the opposition parties, civil society, business and religious leaders, public servants, labour unions, the youth and professional associations all have important roles to play to get our country back on a sound economic footing.” [myad]

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