Home FEATURES If We Nominate Trump We’ll Get Destroyed – US Senator

If We Nominate Trump We’ll Get Destroyed – US Senator

America Donald TrumpSouth Carolina Senator, Linda Graham has warned the Republicans not to nominate billionaire Donald Trump to run the Presidential race in November, warning that if they insist on him, the party would stand destroyed.

This is even as Trump had almost secured the party’s nomination, a situation that has divided top ranking Republicans.

“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed and we will deserve it,” Senator Graham emphasized after Texas Senator Ted Cruz dropped out of the race, effectively clearing a path for Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile some Republicans took to social media to disavow their membership in the party by burning their voter registration forms.

Others, though, started to fall in line behind the candidate, with an excuse that Trump is vastly preferable to Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton is the likely Democratic nominee.

Trump is deeply unpopular among many key voting blocs in the United States. [myad]

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