Home FOREIGN Jonathan Has Nothing To Do With Phone Conversation With Moroccan King, Wali...

Jonathan Has Nothing To Do With Phone Conversation With Moroccan King, Wali Swears

Ambassador Aminu Wali
Ambassador Aminu Wali

Nigeria Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Aminu Bashir Wali has made it clear that President Goodluck Jonathan has nothing to do with the controversial telephone conversation with Moroccan King Mohammed even as he gave assurance that his ministry is already investigating the circumstances leading to such incidence as directed by the President.

King Mohammed of Morocco has since denied the telephone conversation with President Jonathan and recalled the country’s Ambassador to Nigeria back home. Also, the Presidency had said Jonathan had no conversation with the King of Morocco.
Answering questions from newsmen at the Presidential Villa, Abuja today, Ambassador Aminu Wali said: “I have already taken action on the President’s directive and of course some people are trying to make this whole thing political. And of course, at this level of our diplomacy, a lot of things can happen.
“So we are trying to find out, and I will like to say that the President has nothing to do with it. This is something that has happened and there is a bit of mix-up somewhere a long the line. We are going to unravel it. So the president has nothing to do with it.
“Therefore, people should not, like I hear some senators from the opposition asking the President to apologize to the country. Now this is, if at all there is anybody who is going to apologize, and I being the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will be the one to apologize and not Mr. President.”
Asked if he would accept culpability on the matter, the minister said: “well, I am investigating, if at all there is anybody who should apologize, it is after the investigation. Whatever it is, that is the time we will come out with…..But now there is no reason to apologize because we cannot pre-judge and we believe in due process.
“So the President gave directive and I am looking into it and by the time we get to the bottom of the investigations, then the public will know.”

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