Home NEWS 2015 Poll How Jonathan Corrupt Every National Institution In Desperation For Power – Tinubu

How Jonathan Corrupt Every National Institution In Desperation For Power – Tinubu

Bola Ahmed Tinubu
Bola Ahmed Tinubu

Former Governor of Lagos state and lnational eader of opposition All Progress Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has accused President Goodluck Jonathan and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of corrupting all institutions and people with money that should have been used to develop the country.
“To save his post, Jonathan and his team would eagerly corrupt every national institution within reach. Everything is for sale and nothing is left sacred.
“Although the nation suffers an economic downswing that will require astute policy to overcome, Jonathan has raided the national coffers as if money were as plentiful as sand. There is no dollar in this nation that his hand has not tried to grab. No naira that his underlings have not tried to pinch.
“They have thrown money at Christian and Muslim clerics, attempting to buy two great faiths as if they were two cheap commodities. As such, they have attempted to turn our houses of worship into open dens of corruption.”
In a statement today, Asiwju Tinubu said that the Presidency and PDP have dangled money in the face of the traditional fathers believing that the conscience of such royal father is for sale.
He noted that many of such royal fathers have been brave enough to cohere to the nobility of their office more than worry about the expansion of their bank accounts.
“They have corrupted some civil society groups and organizations to engage in violent protest against the electoral process and the use of the card readers. They oppose the card reading machine because the instruments foil their customary avenues of vote rigging.
“Jonathan‘s team has already read the writing on the wall. They would be handed a defeat so resounding that they would begin to fight among themselves believing that each betrayed the other.”
Tinubu made it clear that Nigeria has reached point where it must answer the call of history that beckons.
Saying that Nigerians should now open themselves wisely to a better future, the APC leader insisted that there can be no more fence-sitting because that fence has been torn down by the vast disparity between the current reality and the desired future.
“We have a decision to make. We must decide whether wisdom is better than cunning, if bravery is sounder than bribe, if compassion speaks more than corruption, if patriotism is a more worthy vocation than pillage and if love of the nation and its people can overcome the love of power and stolen privilege.
“I am filled with the expectation of a more just and rightful future. My conviction has always been that this day would come.”


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