Home FEATURES 8,700 Strong Regional Forces Set To Confront Boko Haram

8,700 Strong Regional Forces Set To Confront Boko Haram

African regional forces

No fewer than 8,700 strong military forces are now set to be deployed to fight Boko Haram in Nigerian, especially in the North East.

After a two-day meeting in N’Djamena, Military chiefs from the Lake Chad region finalised details of the deployment of a joint force, designating three command posts in Nigeria and Cameroon.

According to military sources today, military commanders from Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Benin agreed to accelerate the deployment of the 8,700-strong force, which will have its overall command centre in the Chadian capital.

“We have finalised the details of the deployment of troops,” said one officer who took part in the meeting, adding: “the force commanders will inspect the sites of the barracks in the coming days.”

The military sources said the two command posts for the joint force in Nigeria would be in Baga, on the shores of Lake Chad, and in Gambaru, on the border with Cameroon.

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The third command post would be established further south in the Cameroonian town of Mora, on the other side of the border from the Nigerian settlement of Gwoza, where Boko Haram formerly had its headquarters.

The chiefs of staff also ordered officers seconded to the headquarters of the force in N’Djamena to report immediately to their posts, as it was almost ready to become operational. [myad]


  1. This is a sharing news for nigerians and the victims of the boko haram madness. There is no time left for the force to waste in confronting the rag tag elements. No sentiments or compassion be extended to any of the insurgents arrested. They must be executed summarilly. They dont deserve mercy because they have none for their victims so why should anyone treat them with mercy and clemence. The idea of allowing the insurgents to run away when they are confronted with gun shots should not be allowed by the regional force. The force must pound and bombard them with heavy artilery. Full force should be deployed to pound sambisa forest from the air, sea and ground. May God bless the forces and give us the victory against the sons of devils.

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