Home FEATURES Army Lied, We Did Not Attack Buratai – Shiites

Army Lied, We Did Not Attack Buratai – Shiites

Shiit processionThe Shiite Islamic Group has denied attacking the Nigeria Chief of Army, General Buratai which led to the killing of its members by soldiers in Zaria yesterday.

In a statement signed by Isak K and posted on the website of the movement, the Shiites said that the claim that Buratai “narrowly escaped assassination as a result of attack from Muslim brothers and Sisters of the Islamic Movement is a blatant lie.”

The statement claimed that members of the movement were unarmed and had gathered for a ceremony at their Husainiyyah base to change the flag on the dome of the building to herald the beginning of the month of Rabiul /Auwal- the birth month of Prophet Muhammad when the incident happened.

“Any excuse given by the military as reason for besieging Hussainiyyah and firing for hours, leading to the death of yet to be specified number of people, is considered a lie of the decade,” the movement added. [myad]

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