Home NEWS Banishing Dethroned Traditional Ruler From Kingdom Is Human Rights Violation – Court

Banishing Dethroned Traditional Ruler From Kingdom Is Human Rights Violation – Court

A Kogi State High Court has established a case of human rights violation on the banishment of dethroned traditional ruler from his kingdom.
The court, today, June 27, in a ruling on the dethronement and banishment of Obobanyi of Ihima, Dr. Samuel Adai Onimisi said that banishing him from his kingdom after being dethroned violated his constitutional rights to stay anywhere he wants to.
Dr. Samuel Adai Onimisi, the Obobanyi of Emani, was one of the three Kogi traditional rulers removed in January this year by the then Governor Yahaya Bello and banished to Doko town in Lavun Local Government Area of Niger State.
The Governor said that the title of Obobanyi of Ihima which reads on the promotion letter, upgrading the stool to first-class status, “was done without cognisance to the fact that the title; Obobanyi of Ihima is a subject of litigation and the court of law is yet to arrive at the possible final decision, as such, the Government has however received several petitions, calling attention to the need to revert and maintain status quo, until the court of law decides.
“To this end, the stool is hereby reverted to “Obobanyi of Emani” as the present occupant remains deposed.”
The High Court, today, upheld the dethronement of Dr. Samuel Adai Onimisi, saying that the State government followed due process, having issued query to him, constituted panel of enquiry which indicted him.
The Court held that the joinder of the five clans rejected cannot impact either positively or negatively on the case.
The Court however rejected the banishment, saying that it conflicts with freedom of movement residency granted by the constitution.
“He can stay anywhere, but as a private individual like you not as King.”