Home NEWS Bauchi Youths Dare Governor Yuguda Over Imposition Of Curfew

Bauchi Youths Dare Governor Yuguda Over Imposition Of Curfew

Bauchi State Governor, Isah Yuguda
Bauchi State Governor, Isah Yuguda

Youths in Bauchi defied the 24-hour curfew imposed by the Bauchi State Governor, Isa Yuguda as they trooped to the Headquaters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), where collation of results is ongoing.

Hundreds of youths holding sticks moved freely along parts of Ahmadu Bello Way in Bauchi, close to where the INEC Headquarters is situated even as combined team of security agents barricaded about 700 meters on both sides away from the junction leading to the INEC Headquarters.

Most of the youths who were obviously supporters of the All Progressive Congress (APC) carried placards and posters of the opposition party. Some of them were overheard saying “sai Baba Buhari!”

The State Government had, on Sunday evening, announced the imposition of a 24hour curfew in Alkaleri, Kirfi and Bauchi LGAs following an attack launched on voters in many polling units in Alkaleri and Kirfi LGAs by gunmen.

The curfew, According to a statement signed by Abdu Illela, on behalf of the Secretary to the Bauchi Government, was to protect lives and properties of the People of the affected LGAs.

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But in a swift reaction, the APC gubernatorial candidate in the State, Barrister Muhammed Abubakar, vowed to reject the curfew saying it was just an attempted by the Isa Yuguda-led Government of the PDP to rig Saturday’s elections.

“The elections took place peacefully within Bauchi metropolis except in Kirfi and Alkaleri local government areas where there are incidents of attacks.

“Thank God INEC said we can cast our votes and protect the votes and that we are going to come out and protect our votes peacefully.”

“Anybody in the state can attest to the fact that the elections were conducted peacefully within the Bauchi metropolis and therefore, we don’t see any reason why curfew should be imposed on a peaceful environment as the Bauchi metropolis. The only time curfew can be imposed is when there is an impending danger but here we are without any impending danger.” [myad]

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