Home NEWS Buhari Educates Atiku On What Is Corruption

Buhari Educates Atiku On What Is Corruption

President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has provided a list of what constitutes corruption, as against what the Presidential candidate of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar had earlier provided.

President Buhari used the opportunity of the swearing in of the Chairman and Members of the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) Board said: “the abuse of public office for private gain represents corruption in its worst form.  The circumvention of public policies and processes for competitive advantage and profit is another form of corruption.

“The abuse of public office for personal benefit even if no bribery occurs is also corruption.  The diversion of State revenue or miss-application of budgeted funds falls into the same category.”

The President lamented the damage which unbridled corruption has inflicted on the nation’s development aspirations.  According to the President, apart from deliberate and wanton looting of the national wealth and common patrimony, corruption has eroded the nation’s values and ethical foundation as a nation.

Buhari regretted that corruption has negatively affected the country’s political, economic and social life, adding that those who are opposed to the fight against corruption berated his government for its focus, determination and single mindedness.  “They pretend that they do not know what corruption is. But Nigerians know what corruption is.  Ordinary people know what corruption is and they support our effort and determination to fight it.”

President Buhari expressed satisfaction with the ICPC law which he said is robust enough to assist government to sanitize the public sector of corruption in service delivery, public procurement, diversion of public revenue, deliberate misuse of public funds, and so on.

 He said that despite the anti-corruption drive of his government, some agencies of government still divert or refuse to fully account for revenue generated.

“Rather than obey constitutional provisions and extant rules and regulations, such agencies continue as if nothing has changed.

“We are determined to ensure that every agency of government account for public revenue generated or expended.  I am looking forward to ICPC’s support both for enforcement of anti-corruption laws and submission of policy measures and directives to prevent revenue leakage and diversion.

 “In this regard, I urge you to collaborate with other government agencies such as the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation towards mitigating wrong-doing in public expenditure.  Furthermore, I look forward to receiving anti-corruption recommendations linked to e-Government standards and principles.

 “ As the old saying goes – “Prevention is better than cure”.  Your statutory mandate recognizes this principle.  Therefore, I encourage you to come up with strong preventive policy measures and strategies for government’s endorsement to take us to the NEXT LEVEL in the fight against corruption.  I am aware that the ICPC laws empowers you to make proposals to assist government in this fight.

 “Just about a month ago, I opened your Corruption Risk Assessment training for anti-corruption agencies in Africa.  That initiative, in support of my role as the AU anti-corruption champion is welcome, and I Iook forward to seeing ICPC distinguish itself as a leading institution in Africa in building capacity to conduct and implement corruption risk assessments.

“But charity must begin at home.  Therefore, your skills and expertise must be demonstrated in identifying MDAs highly prone to corruption and what must be done to bring about better governance.

“I am also aware that you have set up Anti-Corruption Transparency Unit in Ministries, Departments and Agencies.  This is an important step towards corruption prevention and ensuring full compliance with government’s anti-corruption measures and our laws.

“I encourage you to make effective use of our ACTU in MDAs by receiving reports directly from such Units and taking enforcement measures to assist government realize its objectives of a cleaner public service.”