Home NEWS CRIME Boko Haram Shifts Attacks On Churches To Mosques

Boko Haram Shifts Attacks On Churches To Mosques

Members of the deadly Boko Haram have now shifted attacks on churches in parts of the North East of Nigeria to Mosques.
Information at our disposal shows that the insurgents are frequently targeting mosques in which Muslim clerics are believed to be preaching against their extremist doctrine.
Only yesterday, members of Boko Haram stormed a mosque in Buni Gari village in the North-East state of Yobe, killing at least 20 worshipers.
It was gathered that the worshipers were just preparing to observe the early morning prayer when the insurgents brutally attacked them with lethal weapons.
Buni Gari is about 100 kilometres south of Damaturu, the state capital.
Also yesterday, about 90 people were reported to have been killed across the country’s North-East and North-West regions.
Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Taraba state, Garba Umar has imposed a 24 hours curfew in the southern parts of the state in a bid to check rampant killings, blamed on Fulani herdsmen.
A statement from the Acting Governor’s office advised citizens to restrain their movement until further notice.
The acting governor has also directed that from Monday, senior public servants from the southern part of the state should go to their respective villages to assist in ameliorating the security challenges.

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