“This attack is line with our on-going operation ‘Hurricane Exodus’, which was intended to bring down the entire refining facility.
“This facility was infiltrated by a few of our fighters with the aid of our internal agents within the NNPC contrary to speculations that the sabotage was carried out by “pipeline vandals and oil thieves.”
These were contained in a statement MEND issued today even as it has been confirmed that the
bomb fragments are the same used in the Warri Refinery explosion of Tuesday, 22 October, 2013 .
MEND went on to say: “We will persist with our attacks on the Nigerian oil industry due to the inaction of President Goodluck Jonathan who continues to rely on an unsustainable and fraudulent Niger Delta Amnesty programme which is only a guise to line the pockets of Goodluck Jonathan, his wife Patience, Jonathans cronies and members of the Amnesty Committee whose sudden wealth remains unchallenged by the Nigerian media. The entire Amnesty process is a fraud on the people of Nigeria who are being promised peace in the Niger Delta, in the absence of justice.
‘Hurricane Exodus’ is still on course!”