Home NEWS Exodus Of Medical Personnel To Foreign Countries Worries Minister

Exodus Of Medical Personnel To Foreign Countries Worries Minister

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Adeleke Mamora  is worried over the Mass exodus of medical personnel particularly, Medical Doctors to foreign countries.

Dr.  Mamora, who spoke today, August 4, when a delegation of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) led by its President, Dr. Uche Ojinmah paid him working visit vowed to stem the tide of mass exodus.

A statement by the Ministry’s Director Press FMSTI, Atora Obed, quoted the minister as saying that the federal government will look into conditions of service of health workers their working tools and remuneration so as to encourage health workers in their profession.

He promised to defend the interest of doctors and health workers because of their importance to humanity, even as he enjoined the Association to maintain high level of integrity and conduct, in line with her oath of profession.

The minister said that Federal Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation will always collaborate with the Association, in scientific matters and appreciated members of the Association for their visit.

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Earlier, the President of the Association, Dr. Uche Ojinmah, requested the minister to discuss some of the Association’s challenges such as condition of service, working tools and remuneration in Federal Executive Council Meeting (FEC) on its behalf.

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