Home FEATURES Jega Returns To Class Room, As His Successor, Mrs. Zakari Reconstitutes INEC...

Jega Returns To Class Room, As His Successor, Mrs. Zakari Reconstitutes INEC Committees

Former INEC Boss, Attahiru Muhammadu Jega
Former INEC Boss, Attahiru Muhammadu Jega

Immediate past chairman of the Independent National Commission (INEC) has returned to teach at the Bayero University, Kano (BUK), from where he was plucked by the former President Goodluck Jonathan to head the electoral body.
This was even as his successor in acting capacity, Mrs. Amina Bala Zakari has approved the re-constitution of INEC’s fourteen (14) Standing Committees.
In a memo issued and signed by the Secretary to the Commission, Mrs. Augusta C. Ogakwu, the Committees are expected to commence operation from July 1 2015.
The Committees are:
1. Appointment, Promotion and Disciplinary Commit-tees (APDC): Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku,Chairman; Hon. Amb M.A. Wali, member; Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, member. 2. Planning, Monitoring and Strategy Committee (PM&SC): Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, Chairman; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali.
3. Information and Voter Education/Outreach and Partnership Committee: Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, member; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member.
4. Health and Welfare Committee: Hon Dr. S. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member.
5. Operations and Logistics Committee: Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, Chairman; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali.
6. Estate, Works and Transport Committee: Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, Chairman; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member, Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga.
7. Election and Party Monitoring Committee: Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, Chairman; Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member.
8. Board of Survey and Technical Equipment Acquisition Committee: Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, Chairman; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member Hon. Amb M.A. Wali, member.
9. Tenders Board Committee: Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, Chairman; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member, Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga.
10. Legal Services Clearance Committee: Hon. Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member.
11. Board of Electoral Institute Committee: Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, Chairman; Hon. Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, member; Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, member.
Meanwhile, Professor Jega took his seat today at the BUK to resume his teaching career.
12. Information Technology and Voter Registry: Hon. Amina Bala Zakari, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, member; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member, Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, member; Hon Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, member; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member.
13. Finance and General Purpose Committee: Hon. Amina Bala Zakari, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, member; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member, Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, member; Hon. Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, member; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member.
14. Security Committee: Hon. Amina Bala Zakari, Chairman; Hon. Amb. M.A. Wali, member; Hon. Amb. Lawrence Nwuruku, member, Hon. Dr. Chris O. Iyimoga, member; Hon. Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, member; Hon. Prof. M.A. Salau, member. [myad]