Home FEATURES Nigeria Sends 700 Soldiers To Liberia Amidst Boko Haram War At Home

Nigeria Sends 700 Soldiers To Liberia Amidst Boko Haram War At Home

Soldiers marching

No fewer than 700 officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army are set for deployment for peace keeping operation in Liberia. This is coming against the background of the fierce battle going on against Boko Haram at home.

Addressing the troops after their pre-deployment training in Jaji, Kaduna State, today, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) 1 Division, Nigerian Army, Major General Kenneth Osuji warned them to avoid any act capable of dragging the image of Nigeria and Nigerian Army to the mud, as the army will not accept a situation where its soldiers are seen as soft targets.

General Osuji who is the GOC of the 1 Brigade, which is made up of the Nigerian Battalion (NIBATT)36 in the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) said, they must work with the rules of engagement of the mission and respect the cultural and religious sensitivity of Liberia people.

“Be reminded that the Nigerian Army will not accept any situation where its troops are seen as soft targets or conducting themselves in unprofessional manner such as trafficking in illicit substances of any kind including alcohol and drugs.

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“Additionally, you must respect the cultural and religious sensitivity of the people of Liberia. You must exhibit the highest sense of personal/environmental hygiene as Liberia is just emerging from an EBOLA epidemic,” the GOC stressed. [myad]

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