Home NEWS North-Bound Train Accident, 4 Confirmed Dead

North-Bound Train Accident, 4 Confirmed Dead

Train Accident 2Four people have been confirmed dead in the North-bound train accident which occurred in Jebba, Kwara state Nigeria yesterday, Saturday.

The assistant director in charge of the publicity for the Railway Corporation (NRC), Rauf Akinloye, told news men today, Sunday that three other passengers sustained injuries in the accident.

He said that the corpses of the deceased have been deposited at the mortuary while those injured ones have been discharged after receiving treatment.

The NRC spokesman said the damaged tracks were being repaired in order to restore North-South services, adding that the rear portion of the train that derailed lead to the death of the four persons.

Akinloye, however, assured travelers of safety of life and properties while travelling on the trains in spite of the incident.

Already, Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara has commiserated with the families of the deceased.

The governor, in a condolence message issued in Ilorin on Sunday by his Chief Press Secretary, Abdulwahab Oba, wished the passengers who sustained injuries speedy recovery.

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He described the accident as painful and unfortunate, pointing out that rail transportation was still one of the safest means of travelling.

Ahmed called on the management of the corporation to investigate the immediate and remote causes of the accident with a view to preventing a recurrence.

(NAN). [myad]

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