Home NEWS POLITICS 60 Houses Washed Away By Rainstorm In Calabar, Cross River

60 Houses Washed Away By Rainstorm In Calabar, Cross River

Corss River Governor, Liyel-Imoke
Corss River Governor, Liyel-Imoke

No fewer than 60 structures, including residential buildings, offices and public structures were said to have been washed away by heavy rainstorm in Calabar, capital of Cross River state over the weekend.

According to the Cross River Emergency Management Agency in a statement by its Deputy Director in charge of information, Mr. David Akate today, perimeter fences, roads and  school buildings were also damaged due to the intensity of the rain.
He said that areas affected are Ikot Ansa, Ikot Eneobong, Ikot Nkebre and Big Qua Town in Calabar Municipality as well as some parts of Calabar South.
“The flood disaster is attributed to the blockage of drains and other water ways as well as the construction of buildings along flood-prone areas.
“Also affected are 11 vehicles, including a brand new car owned by the Vice Chairman of Ogoja Local Government Area.
“The traumatic experience is coming at a time the State Government was committing huge amount of human and material resources towards the rehabilitation and construction of roads and drains across the state capital.”
He advised residents to adhere to the campaign against indiscriminate waste disposal and other harmful environmental practices even as he also advised motorists to stay clear of flooded roads.
He warned parents not to allow children to play around flooded drains and ponds, saying that such acts might be hazardous and could lead to possible death.


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