Home NEWS POLITICS Biafran Wanted To Take Over Enugu Government House, Hoisted Flag–Police Says

Biafran Wanted To Take Over Enugu Government House, Hoisted Flag–Police Says

MASSOB Members
MASSOB Members

Police in Enugu has confirmed that a group of young men who invaded the Enugu Government House  at about 4.30am  on Saturday, armed with machetes were on a mission to take over the Government House.
Briefing news men today, the State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Abubakar Mohammed, said the young men under the aegis of Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) stormed the Government House to forcefully take over the Enugu State seat of power.
“In the process of interrogating them, the arrested persons gave us the names of those who invited them to Enugu to hoist MASSOB flag in Enugu. The motive of those who invited them is what we are trying to establish,” Abubakar said.
He the names of those who have been arrested in what appeared to be an attempt take over of government as Ifeanyi Chukwuma, Francis Nwaemeka, Sunday Okafor and Shedrack Onwuka Obi, all from Anambra State.
He said that items recovered from the suspected mutineers were two big banners bearing symbol of the Republic of Biafra, 34 assorted flags including those belonging to the defunct Republic of Biafra, Britain, United States, and Israel, one big bag containing charms, eight machetes and a saw
The police boss said that the suspects admitted to be members of the pro-Biafra group and have owned up to the fact that they were invited by some persons in Enugu to hoist the Biafra flags at the Government House.
He said that his men are already out in search of their alleged sponsors whose identities he declined to make public, adding however that until their sponsors are arrested, it would be difficult to ascertain their actual motive.
“We will charge the arrested persons to court while we will continue to look for their sponsors,” the Police Commissioner said.

Police in Enugu has confirmed that a group of young men who invaded the Enugu Government House  at about 4.30am  on Saturday, armed wit

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