Home FEATURES Crazy, Unconstitutional Arrangement Moved Me Out Of PDP – Shekarau

Crazy, Unconstitutional Arrangement Moved Me Out Of PDP – Shekarau


Former governor of Kano state, Ibrahim Shekarau, has described the circumstances that forced him out of the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as crazy, unconstitutional and unacceptable.


He said that he considered three options; either to remain in PDP under “this crazy, unconstitutional, unacceptable arrangement, which does not go down well with our people, or we abandon political activities or we move to another political party.”

Shekarau, who narrated all the circumstances that led him and his supporters to finally dump the PDP for the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), said that there was no way he would have remained in a party that underrated his contributions only to give the leadership of the party in Kano State to a new comer like Rabiu Musa Kwakwanso, who himself was former governor of the state.

Addressing his supporters, Shekarau said that he left the PDP specifically because Kwankwaso, who moved into the party in July this year, was placed over and above him in the leadership of the party in the state.

“I wish to first of all, give some little background, sometime in July this year, a number of APC leaders decided to cross over from APC to PDP,” Shekarau said.

“In appreciation, our party, the PDP set up a Committee of Integration and Contact led by former governor of Cross River state, His Excellency, Liyel Imoke.

“Unfortunately, all of these procedures were violated, they were not observed they were not respected. The technical committee under Liyel Imoke, five of them, reported directly to the national chairman some agreement signed between them and members of the Reformed APC.

“Some of these agreements included, for example, in Kano, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso was granted the following privileges: 51 percent of the structure of the leadership of the party; while the existing PDP members should take 49 percent. They also granted to Kwankwaso that all national and state legislators who come with him should have automatic ticket to contest 2019 election.”

Shekarau, dissatisfied, said they called for a meeting of all stakeholders in Kano in August and the matter was tabled.

“We called a meeting of the stakeholders in the state and we vehemently disagreed. We passed a resolution on the 25th of August and we put it in writing, addressed to the national chairman that we have not agreed with the contents of the said agreement,” he said.

“We wrote a letter of protest which we titled ‘Integration of PDP Returnees Members.’ We disagreed, we wrote, we would be given copies for all the media people to see.”

After series of meeting with Kwankwaso, Shekarau said they couldn’t come to an agreement as Kwankwaso insisted on having the 51 percent.

“Kwankwaso said that he wanted 51 percent and we said we are not willing to agree to that. This deliberation could not continue. We held four separate meetings with Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso and the committee of Liyel Imoke,” he said.

“We went as far as granting delegates at the Ward level that would be shared between Aminu Wali’s group, my group and Kwankwaso’s group; but Kwankwaso said he does not recognize such, what he is after is that he would be granted 51 percent of the party structure at all levels; which we said we would not tolerate.

“On the basis of this, the national chairman decided that we of the PDP in Kano are not cooperating. He felt we are not cooperating for unconstitutional act, because of this, he felt we have disagreed with the party and therefore, he pronounced the dissolution of the party structure in Kano which is unconstitutional; and we said we didn’t recognise it.

“To make it worse, when he constituted the caretaker committee, the seven-member caretaker committee were all nominees of Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso and they are all from Kano. This has violated many constitutional provisions.

“The tradition of the party indicates that whenever it is necessary or constitutionally right to form a caretaker committee in a state, the chairman and secretary of the committee must come from outside the state.

“In this case, that was not done. All the members of that committee are from the Kwankwaso’s camp of the Kwankwasiyya. We said we cannot take this. We gave the party a deadline to restore the unconstitutional act of returning back the elected officers of the party. We also demanded that we don’t recognize automatic ticket because it is unconstitutional; it is against the spirit of democracy.”

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