Home NEWS POLITICS In Kano: Northern Leaders, Academic Community, Religious Groups, Endorse Tinubu

In Kano: Northern Leaders, Academic Community, Religious Groups, Endorse Tinubu

The Presidential Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has attracted the endorsement of virtually all the groups that matter in the North during his three-day campaign tour of Kano State last week.

A statement from his media office today, October 26 said that among the critical stakeholders in the state that endorsed the presidential aspiration of Tinubu were the Northern Business Leaders, Kano Academic Community, Tijjaniyyah, Ahlus Sunnah, Kadirriyyah Movement, Kano League of Imams, Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, Zone A and the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the state.

It said that at the dinner with the Business Leaders and Captains of Industry, the Chairman, Kano Business Community Council, Alhaji Rabiu Bako, said that the APC candidate stood out among the presidential contenders because of his deep understanding of the economy, private sector background and track record as Lagos governor.

He said that Tinubu is better placed to rebuild the economy and place it on a pedestal for steady growth.

Also Sheikh Bashir Tijjani Usman Zangon Bareebah, who spoke on behalf of the Tijjaniyyah sect, called on Asiwaju Tinubu to prioritize security and safety of the people, increase megawatt of electricity to power the economy, reposition agriculture and give due attention to education.

He also sought for inclusion of Tijjaniyyah members in top government appointments and assistance in the building of Tijjaniyyah University under construction in Kano.

In its declaration of support for the APC candidate, the Nigeria Academic Community Forum in Kano, in a communiqué signed by its Chairman, Prof. Shehu Alhaji Musa, and General Secretary, Malan Sani Mohammed, and presented to Tinubu, said the forum was moved to back him because of his concern for the down-trodden, transparency, accountability, integrity and selflessness.

“Some of the fundamental considerations for our endorsement of your candidature also included your past records of achievements in service at state and national levels,” the forum added.

In separate sessions with the APC candidate at the African Hall of Kano State Government House, other associations which endorse Tinubu and wished him well in the 2023 election included Ahlus Sunnah, Kadirriyyah Movement, Kano League of Imams, Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, Zone A and the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria.

Responding to the various groups, Tinubu thanked them for the endorsements, saying he had noted their words of encouragements and demands.

He promised to do all in his capacity to justify the confidence reposed in him and move the country to greater heights.

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