Mustapha explained that even if they were to be sacked, there are processes that must be followed, adding: “we are in a very difficult time now. We need everybody to be on board. We need synergy within intelligent community, within the military formations that will help fight this war.
“We are in a very difficult situation and when we begin to create cracks and divisions, who will be the beneficiaries?
“The adversaries are the ones that are going to exploit those deficiencies and further the cause of destabilising the nation”.
The SGF, who spoke to newsmen in Abuja after a book presentation titled CAN, Religion, politics and power in Nigeria by former General Secretary of Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN) Engr Samuel Salifu, insisted that what government needs at this moment is for everybody to be on the same page, fight the battle of securing the nation, protecting lives and property and ensuring that every Nigerian has the opportunity to live a prosperous live.
“I think that should be our main focus.
“You don’t sack people like that. There are processes and I believe that at the opportune time, those processes will be followed. You don’t just wake up and say sack people, it doesn’t happen like that.”