Home NEWS Senators From Southeast Want Simon Ekpa, Finland Based IPOB Leader Extradited To...

Senators From Southeast Want Simon Ekpa, Finland Based IPOB Leader Extradited To Nigeria

The Senators from Southeast Nigeria have presented a joint motion asking the Federal Government to collaborate with the Finnish authorities for the extradition of Finland-based Leader of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Simon Ekpa, over the weekly Monday sit-at-home in the South East.

Senator Osita Izunaso, who presented the motion today, July 26, on behalf of all 14 Senators from the Southeast, lamented that thousands of Innocent lives have been lost since the Monday sit-at-home order started even as properties worth over N1 trillion have been destroyed.
The Senators regretted also that investors are leaving the region because of the order.
According to them, the sit-at-home civil disobedience actions in the region has similarly led to the disruption/destruction of economic activities as well as immeasurable financial losses for businesses, workers and the local economy.
Their prayer, calling on the Federal Government to use political solution in handling the case of the Leader of the proscribed IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, was dropped following a point of order raised by Senator Opeyemi Bamidele that it is subjudiced
Senator Bamidele came under point of order 52 sub 5, which prevents the National Assembly to speak on any issue before the court.
The Senate therefore struck out prayer urging the Federal Government to use political solution approach in handling the case of Kanu.
The Senate also resolved to invite the Minister of Foreign Affairs (when appointed) and relevant stakeholders to carry out thorough investigation as well as bring other sponsors of the act to book.
While seconding the motion, Senator Gbenga Daniel said that several businesses have been affected in the Southeast as result of Monday “sit-at-home” order by a none State actor.
All Senators in the chamber agreed that Finland-based IPOB leader, Simon Ekpa must be extradited to Nigeria.

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