Home FEATURES Sheikh Elzakzaky Fingers Saudi Prince As Cause Of Thursday Jamrat Stampede

Sheikh Elzakzaky Fingers Saudi Prince As Cause Of Thursday Jamrat Stampede

El Zakzaky

Leader of the Shiite Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, has attributed the Jamrat stampede that led to the death of over 750 pilgrims to a Saudi Arabian prince, whose convoy allegedly caused it.

El-Zakzaky, who spoke yesterday in Zaria, Kaduna  State, as part of activities to mark the Eid-el-Kabir said that the prince, whose name he did not mention, and others that were fingered in the tragedy should be sentenced to death.

The leader of the Shiite Islamic sect  said the Saudi prince, whose convoy allegedly caused the stampede should not only be blamed for the death of innocent  souls but be held culpable for the ugly incident.

He said that the management of the hajj was  not the exclusive preserve  of the Al-Saud royal  family. [myad]