Home FEATURES Yes, Nigerians Are Going Through Tough Times, But… Vice President Osinbajo

Yes, Nigerians Are Going Through Tough Times, But… Vice President Osinbajo

Osinbajo VP 1Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has admitted that Nigerians may be passing through difficult times, but that the Muhammadu Buhari’s presidency is working to ensure that the citizens benefit from the resources of the nation eventually.
Osinbajo, who received in audience on Tuesday, the Australian Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary, African Branch, Mr. Mathew Neuhaus who was accompanied by the country’s High Commissioner in Nigeria, Mr. Paul Lehmann, remarked: “it is a difficult time, but we think it is an excellent opportunity to do right by the people so that our people are able to get the benefit of the nation’s resources.”
Professor Osinbajo took a look at the steps the presidency is taking in the areas of security, governance, anti-corruption and the economy, adding: there has been a liberalization of the oil and gas’ downstream sector.”
He added that the flexible foreign exchange policy just recently put in place would encourage foreign investment, adding: “we are looking forward to the benefits of the new foreign exchange policy.”
He commended the Australian government for its excellent support in the fight against insurgency in the Nigerian Northeast, even as he said that while significant progress has been recorded in militarily downgrading Boko Haram, the other challenge now is overcoming the ideology that motivates terrorist activities.
“We have already dealt with Boko Haram militarily. We now have to deal with the ideology (of terror) and this is something that the entire world has to also deal with. The terrorists basically reject any engagement, simply preaching hate and murder. it is a new kind of threat. The ideology and motivation is what we – the global community – have to find a way to deal with.”
Earlier, Mr. Neuhaus, who had earlier served as his country’s High Commissioner in Nigeria congratulated the Buhari administration for being “off to a good start.”
He also praised the steps that have been taken so far by the administration, some of which he said have not been easy.
He said that Australia looks forward to doing more business with the government and working very closely with Nigeria.
He made allusion to closer relationship in mining and investment and cooperation at the Commonwealth and the United Nations levels. [myad]