In spite of the violence, destruction and veiled attempt by terrorists to lure Nigeria into unnecessary conflicts, the resolve by Nigerians and their leaders to keep the country one has remained unshaken.
From the speeches by various delegates at the ongoing National Conference, it has become clear that Nigerians have decided to remain united. The delegates have, from different members, mix feeling to the insurgency, but are unted in observing the urgent need for all to be extra-vigilant in their various locations to check the excesses of those causing mayhem.
At the Conference, shades of opinions pointed at the fact that Nigeria’s borders are porous, thereby exposing the country to infiltration by undesirable elements from the neidgbouring countries, even as they insisted that the citizenry need to always pay attention to the security of the neighborhood and towns.
The security agencies in the country deserve some kind of commendation, though there is still much to be done in terms of making more drastic moves to stem the security challenges.
Pastor Tunde Bakare, one of the members of the Confab did say at the plenary: “May l humbly suggest that we send a very strong signal from this conference that we are not safe as long as Nigerians are being slaughtered. He even romance with an idea of suspending the business of the conference “until we see change. That will let them know that we are serious. A drastic situation requires a drastic step.”
Bakare called on the fellow delegates to take step towards ebsuring the safety of the delegates and more importantly, Nigeria and Nigerians, saying: “the death of one is the death of all.”
The entire delegates supported the motion, casting a pall picture on the nation with all the security burden.
The question is where do we go from here?