Home OPINION COMMENTARY What Can 2 Billions Dollars Do For Nigeria’s Poor? By Simbo Olorunfemi

What Can 2 Billions Dollars Do For Nigeria’s Poor? By Simbo Olorunfemi

poor nigerianAll the billions flying here and there can truly make anyone dizzy. Perhaps the rented crowd lining up behind thieves are themselves so dizzy that they are not able to exactly tell what this is really about. We are talking about billions of dollars, trillions of Naira made away with, stolen, diverted to fund phantom and fictitious contracts in less than three years; and some are wailing and whining, alleging witch-hunt. For some reason, the media has been playing up the 2.2 billion dollar component of the heist that you might think that is all that this is about. I had fallen for that that too, as this exercise started out as one to consider to a few things we could have done with two billion dollars to improve the quality of life of our people. Then I decided to check up the figures. So far, total extra budgetary interventions, as collated by the committee which probed the arms, was found to be N643.8 billion, while the foreign currency component was $2.2 billion. In other words, we are talking of over one trillion naira. There is a report of 53 failed contracts valued at $2.3 billion dollars and N13 billion; phantom contracts worth 2.2 billion naira, 1.6 billion dollars and 9.9 million euros; and 132 million dollars and 9 million euros transferred out of the country under instructions for purposes not ascertained. So, in all, what are we talking about?

If you are not feeling dizzy at this point, I give you kudos. I am lost myself, not knowing where to start, as this was initially about utilising 400 billion naira, but as I can see, we have before us at least a trillion naira that could have been put into good use. The painful bit about this is the impression often given that our problem is that lack of resources, when we all know that is the least of our problems. It is even more annoying that once the talk shifts to doing just a little for the poor, all kinds of pretend-Economists come, daggers-drawn, to tell us how unsustainable such a policy is. They have been lining up to shout down the plan to make the payment of five thousand naira to the most vulnerable among us. Where will the money come from? Giving handout does not make any sense. What can be done with five thousand naira?

Our own Segun Adeniyi derisively dismisses five thousand naira as money for recharge cards. Perhaps it is for him and the privileged class, but it is a lot of money for Bala. The total value of goods in his wheel-barrow is less than two thousand naira, so five thousand cannot be recharge card money, for him. For Mama Efe who sells ‘Boli’ and roasted yam down the road, she will definitely thank God for a monthly five thousand naira to help increase her stock. Chinedu who moves in between cars in traffic, hawking handkerchiefs, understands what five thousand naira can do, seeing that his total stock is valued at less than three thousand naira. He has friends who started out with only a fifty naira bag of sachet water, gotten through credit facility from the distributor. Many of our mothers trade with less than five thousand naira, yet miraculously manage to put food on the table for their families

One of the challenges we have today is not simply that of policy makers being too far away from the people, opinion moulders are sometimes too distant to be able to feel the pulse of the people. Now that some of our Columnists write from the cosy corners of private jets and privileged tables of the high and mighty, it is understandable that they are no longer able to tell what five thousand naira will do for the people at the lowest end of the pool in the informal sector.

Nigeria is definitely not Finland, but it cannot be completely unknown to economics, as often led to believe, that a society will seek to put a bit of cushion at the back of its most vulnerable, as it is being contemplated here, if even today, Finland’s government is drawing up plans to give every one of its citizens a basic monthly income of 800 euros. Some commentators miss the point when they argue that government has no business making that token payment; that it is better for it to concentrate on creating an enabling environment for job and wealth creation. Are we saying the two cannot be done together? Where were the commentators when government bailed out banks and other sectors with trillions of naira from our commonwealth? What is wrong with bailing out the poor? We have not talked about the impact such direct payment will make on the economy of the poor. We have not even considered the sense in the conditional cash transfer that links payment to maternal and child healthcare.

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How much does it cost to give children in public schools a meal a day? How much is five thousand naira for the most vulnerable 20 million Nigerians, compared to what has been made away with by a few Nigerians, over the few years? I will rather Nigeria, for once, risks putting a little into the hands of the poor. Let us take $2 billion from what was alleged to have been made away with. At N200 a dollar, that is N400 billion. Now with only N400 billion, we can procure basic health insurance premium from private Health Management Organisations (HMOs) at N20,000 per head for 20 million Nigerians. That way, we would have pulled additional 20 million Nigerians into the health insurance net, assuring them of immediate, regular access to health care, which will make great and immediate impact on the quality of life and productivity in the country.

Can you imagine what N400 billion pumped into the health sector will do to grow that sector? Can you imagine how many thousands of jobs that will be created, how that will put money in the hands of health care workers, hospitals, insurance companies and even the banks, not to talk of its overall effect on the economy? Needless to say that in tackling our social problems, there are a myriad of economic opportunities that can help drive an all-round, inclusive development of the economy.

With N400 billion, we can guarantee 20 million Nigerian children, at N20,000 per head (estimated market price for 2 shots), rotavirus vaccination to protect them against diarrhoea. Now, consider the fact that the vaccine is being administered to children in India for $1 and the opportunities and cost savings that will come as we bulk-purchase on the generic drugs being administered in India, it means we will be able to go beyond rotavirus. We can administer vaccines such as Pneumococcal conjugate, MMR, Meningococcal conjugate, Chicken-pox and others on millions of Nigerian children, who, at the moment, are not immunised against many of these childhood killer diseases, as these vaccines are excluded from the NPI immunisation list.

The children are denied the best start in life, simply because your heroes stole the country blind, will not forget, when tomorrow comes, how their tomorrow was stolen yesterday. Those snoring in their cosy corners today, might be the first victims of a tomorrow, not moulded into shape by the hands in control, today. A token 500 billion naira voted for social investment in 2016 is only an urgent, tiny first step in the direction of pulling up those at the bottom of the pyramid.

Unfortunately, too many people are lost to their party, ethnic and religious affiliations to be able to think clearly. Billions of dollars frittered away mean little to them. N2.1 billion from the commonwealth in the hands of one man, in pretence of running a “multi-media campaign” for a political party is nothing. They are too lost to get it. They cannot see the link between the mismanagement and corruption of yesterday and the exchange rate today. Perhaps when we begin to ask questions from those who claimed to have coordinated the economy only yesterday, we will begin to get somewhere.

Some ask us why we write. We do because we understand how corruption adversely affects us all. We write because it affects us, if not directly, it does indirectly affect us. Soldiers who might have been alive today, looking forward to Christmas died, unnecessarily. Children, who need not die, are dying, due to lack of access to basic healthcare. Yet some are lining up behind those whose actions and inaction led us to where we are. They think that because they can afford the luxuries of life for themselves and their immediate families, all is well. Myopia only takes the fool so far. The children denied the best start in life, simply because your heroes stole the country blind, will not forget, when tomorrow comes, how their tomorrow was stolen yesterday. Those snoring in their cosy corners today, might be the first victims of a tomorrow, not moulded into shape by the hands in control, today. A token 500 billion naira voted for social investment in 2016 is only an urgent, tiny first step in the direction of pulling up those at the bottom of the pyramid.

Simbo Olorunfemi works for a Nigerian Communications Consultancy. [myad]

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