How time flies!
Today, your favourite online medium, Greenbarge Reporters, is a year old, having operated for full 12 months circle. It was hosted on Friday, 23 March 2013.
The professional Journalists who floated the online, led by a veteran newspaper Journalist/Editor for over 30 years, outlined the principles guiding the medium right from the inception. Such principles are founded on Truth at all times and in all things; Fairness to all sides to an issue; Accuracy in judgment of news source; Precision in presentation and Hate Towards None.
In running Greenbarge Reporters for 12 months, we have tried as we could, to religiously observe the tenets and principles guiding the noble profession of journalism one of which is “if you are not sure (of the facts) leave out.” We have even gone ahead to add a motto of building a hate-free-world. Of course, as human institution, we can’t claim perfection, but we have remained undaunted that when some of our colleagues are loosing their heads and hearts trying to beat one another to stories, we have kept ours slightly above the maddening crowd. In other words, we had, on many occasions, sacrificed prompt and hasty publication of news items in favour of Truth, so much that sometimes, our committed readers would ask, where were we when such things were happening?
Yes, we agree that in keeping to Truth irrespective of who it affects or hurts, we may lose some readers; we may annoy others, but in the long run, we believe that ours would be defined by and honored with such Truth. And while we are not worried that the pursuit and sustenance of Truth is slowing the rapid growth of Greenbarge as we would have desired, we are not losing sleeps, knowing very well that when the chips are down and as we keep to the track, we would etch ourselves positively, in the minds of those who have always been confused with the news, presented as half truth or no truth, in form of breaking news. In other words, while others may be strong on breaking news because of their wide reach or spread; while yet others may be strong on prompt delivery of the published news because of their mastery of the technology just so that they would not be branded as being late in publishing, we aspire to be strong and be well-known for Truth because that is the beauty of life, bitter and slower as it may sometimes appear!
Which is why a year after, we have changed our motto from Building A Hate-Free World to Truth Is Our Honour. That is to say that when in search of Truth on any emerging national and international issue, Greenbarge Reporters will continue to be your best bet to get it.
You will notice that, from today and as a harbinger of the good things to come, we have changed Greenbarge Reporters Site’s platform to a more beautiful, professional and modern one. This is done in our desire to keep on satisfying our readers not just in the beautiful, well edited news presentation; not only in celebrating Truth and abhourring make-belief or half-truth in order to feel belong, but in eye-catching aesthetics, with international flavour.
In observing our first anniversary, we must not fail to acknowledge the support and patronage of our faithful readers, most of who are young, agile, dynamic and futuristic, and the older ones that have refused to give in to the effect of age as they remain standing and competing with the dynamism of the youth. They are well spread across the world and mostly concentrated in most parts of Africa, America, Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland and many more. We are also indebted to some of our colleagues who have identified with us and are taking us along as we try to survive the challenges involved in this kind of business of news dissemination.
We wish to seize this once-in-a-while opportunity to invite you to join us in raising up tumblers to toast to Greenbarge Reporters at one. We also invite you to subscribe to Greenbarge Reporters newsletter enmass, and to like it on Face Book as well as interact on other social network such as twitter, etc.
Thank you all for being there for us.