Home SPORTS Nigerian Dangles Handsome Financial Rewards For Gold Medalists At Commonwealth Games

Nigerian Dangles Handsome Financial Rewards For Gold Medalists At Commonwealth Games

Sports minister in glasgow
Nigeria’s Federal Government has pledged handsome financial rewards for any athlete who wins medals at the ongoing Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland.
Under the arrangement, athlete who wins a Gold medal will go home with $7,000 (about N1,120,000, for Silver medalist it will be $4,000 (about N640,000) while the Bronze medal winner will go home with $3,000 (about N480,000)
Announcing the financial package during an interactive session with the Nigerian athletes and officials at the
Games Village’s Chef-de- Mission conference room, Glasgow‎, on Friday night, Minister of Sports, Dr. Tanmmy  Danagogo said that the financial gesture was designed to motivate the athlets to victory.
“This financial reward is designed to motivate all of you to win more medals for Nigeria. We are proud of the medal we have won at the weigth lifting category and we are expecting more from all of you. “Let me assure you that the government is ready to do more for all of you if you win more medals for the country.” Dr. Danagogo said that in addition to the $7,000 for Miss Chika Ahamala, the first Gold medalist for Nigeria in the women’s weight lifting category, $1,000 has also been awarde for her breaking
the Commonwealth record in the weight lifting category.

While reassuring the athletes of the Federal Government’s commitment towards their welfare and successes at the event, the minister said the over 170 million Nigerians are looking up to the athletes to win medals for the country.
“I can tell you that President Goodluck Jonathan has done everything possible for all of you to succeed in this tournament. The expectations of Mr. President and the rest of Nigerians is that you all win medals for us. We are proud of you and will give you all the necessary supports that you need to succeed.”
Those present at the meeting were the Director General of the National Sports Commission, Gbenga Elegbeleye, Director of Sports Medicine, Dr. Adukadri Mohammed, Director of Finance and Accounts, Ministry of Sports and President of the Nigeria Olympics Committee, (NOC), Alhaji Mohammed Ndanusa, among others. [myad]

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