Home ART & ENTERTAINMENT Proving Sexual Harassment Allegation, By Adamsy Bassi Mohammed

Proving Sexual Harassment Allegation, By Adamsy Bassi Mohammed

There is what looks like a thin line between sexual harassment and flirting. More difficult is for the victim to prove the case of harassment in the court of law.
For example, flirtatious advances people make may or may not amount to sexual harassment, depending on which side of the divides it comes from.
If you call a girl “my love” and she says “stop it” and you repeat the same thing, it can and would pass for sexual harassment. But if a woman comes to kiss you from nowhere and you don’t complain about it, it would not be termed sexual harassment, even though the action of the second is worse than that of the first.
As simple as asking a girl out repeatedly after getting a NO answer is sexual harassment. If she presses charges against you, it could stick, but the onus is on her to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you utter such sensual words.
Again, if you tap a woman’s buttocks and she says “do it again baby,” it would not pass as sexual harassment, even though she had no prior knowledge of you carrying out such act.
Again it may not be considered as sexual harassment if you hold the hand of a woman without resistance or complain from her.
This could be the thin line that differentiates flirting from sexual Harassment, and it is called CONSENT.
When a woman doesn’t give consent to your verbal and physical attempt (in a clear unambiguous manner), just know that you are treading on sexual Harassment path.
However, it must be noted that sexual Harassment is not a one way traffic: women can also commit it in which men is the victim. But it’s the sexual Harassment against women that is more pronounced and even celebrated.

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