Home BUSINESS OIL & GAS Stakeholders Caution NDDC Management To Stop Usurping Power Of Board

Stakeholders Caution NDDC Management To Stop Usurping Power Of Board

Former chairmen of the All Progressives Congress (APC), in the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), known as G-37 have condemned the alleged taking over of the functions of the Board of Directors of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) by the management, especially on the issues concerning major procurement.
In a statement today, May 11, by its chairman, Prophet Jones Ode Erue and secretary, Dr. Ben Nwoye, respectively, the stakeholders described the efforts at usurping the functions of the board under any guise as a gross violation of the law that established the Commission and due process.

The stakeholders stressed that they can no longer fold their hands and watch the ongoing administrative recklessness being perpetrated against the Board, saying that they have to raise the alarm in order to expose the agenda of a selfish few who are bent on derailing the genuine sustainable development vision of President Muhammadu Buhari.
They referred particularly to the case of the $15 billion memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the management of the Commission and a United States-based firm, Atlanta Global Resources Inc., signed recently for the construction of a mega rail line that would connect the nine states of the Niger Delta region without the consent of the Board.
They said that the situation where the management would be carrying out such a multi billion Dollar contract and leaving the Board out was completely unacceptable, adding that these were some of the issues that tends to divide the Commission and make it difficult to deliver its mandate to better the lives of the people in the region.
Recall that the Managing Director of Niger Delta Development Commission, Samuel Ogbuku, recently signed an MoU on behalf of the Commission with a US-Based firm, Atlanta Global Resources Inc., for the construction of a mega rail line that would connect the nine states of the Niger Delta region.
But reacting to the MoU, the Chairman of the Commission, Lauretta Onochie, distanced herself from the controversial $15 billion contract, declaring the contract as illegal, null and void.
Onochie, in a statement, had said that the NDDC Management lacked the powers to sign the MoU without the Board’s approval.
“The Board’s attention has been drawn to a publication in some national dailies of the purported signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between a US firm, Atlanta Global Resources Inc. and the NDDC, whose Board I chair, for the construction of a mega rail project across the Niger Delta, from Lagos to Calabar.
“This was done without my knowledge and without the authorization, nor consent of the Board. “Everything about this shady ‘MOU’ is illegal due to the act establishing the NDDC (Act No 6, of 2000); it is the Chairman of the board that is solely vested with the power to sign MOUs with any organisation.”
Reacting, the APC-G37 noted that the position of the Board’s Chairman represents the generality of the opinion of the people of Niger Delta region and urged the Management to act accordingly with the provisions of the enabling act setting up the Commission for the betterment of the people of the region.
The group condemned calls for the sack of the Board’s Chairman, describing it as “an unwarranted exercise aimed at blackmailing and derailing Lauretta Onochie, who is determined to execute the vision of President Muhammadu Buhari of running a transparent and diligent Commission in line with the best global practices.”

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