Home FOREIGN Responses To Dr. Emmanuel On Covid-19 Cure, From 2 Frontline Doctors

Responses To Dr. Emmanuel On Covid-19 Cure, From 2 Frontline Doctors

Screen grab of Doctor Stella from a viral video

Okay what she is saying doesn’t make sense. She is a primary care physician. She doesn’t work in the hospital setting. So that means she doesn’t see the sick COVID patients we see in the hospital. A lot of the COVID patients have mild symptoms and don’t have to be hospitalized. These are the people she is treating. Most of these people get better on their own even without any drugs just supportive care at home. They are not the sick patients admitted to the hospital

The sick COVID patients admitted to the hospital are taken care of by doctors called hospitalists like me. We strictly work in the hospital and take care of admitted patients. The studies have been done on these sets of patients. We initially used hydroxychloroquine but we quickly found that it causes cardiac arrhythmia (simply put messes up the electrical wiring of the heart) in a lot of patients. We see this easily because they are constantly on a heart monitor in the hospital. Causing deaths in some of the patients

Read the claims here: US-Based Doctor Claims There Is Cure For COVID-19

The risk-benefit ratio of continuing chloroquine on these set of sick patients is simply too high. Plus there was no concrete evidence it was truly helping

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Remdesivir and convalescent plasma we have been using for hospitalized patients seems to be working way better and faster than hydroxychloroquine

2: I dont want to burst any bubble. But this very event was politically motivated to support Trump claims. There is no science in it. She lives in Louisiana and Houston but came to Washington DC for this speech. She even said no need for mask!!. This physician is a cameroonian who schooled at Unical Nigeria. She is also a pastor. I know her personally. She is a pediatrician and claims to be treating adults even 90yr olds. Its all American politics. Election is coming by Nov. this year. Trump needs to shore up his image after a dismal performance in the control of the pandemic.Shes being used.  I work in the ER in Dallas, there’s is no evidence that hydroxychloroquine zithromax and zinc work. Many people have died while on these drugs. These are patients that I participated in their care. As it stands now, no known cure yet. Best thing is still prevention(mask, hand washing and Social distancing).

A repost of a post by a Bonafide Nigerian Doctor in Texas about the Cameroonian Doctor inferring to be a Nigerian.

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