Home NEWS POLITICS Senator Ekweremadu, Governor Uduaghan Extol Justice Oputa

Senator Ekweremadu, Governor Uduaghan Extol Justice Oputa


The Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, has described the death of a former Supreme Court judge, Justice Chukwudifu Oputa as “a sad and an unquantifiable loss’’ even as Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta state also described the late judge as an exceptional jurist who sacrificed his time, knowledge and energy for Nigeria and the rule of law

These were contained in tributes issued today by their media aides, Uche Anichukwu and Felix Ofou respectively

Ekweremadu said: “Nigeria has lost one of her brightest legal luminaries. He was an upright, courageous, intelligent, and patriotic jurist and elder statesman.

“He represented the finest era of the country’s judiciary and it is indeed a sunset for a legal icon and the nation will miss him surely.

“We owe it to the memory of that golden era of the judiciary, which Justice Oputa represented, to engender a radical ethical and professional revival in our judicial system,’’ he said.

The deputy senate president condoled with the family of the late Justice and the nation in general and prayed for the peaceful repose of the soul of the deceased.

Governor Uduaghan, in his tribute said that Oputa lived a fulfilled life, adding that the legal profession and the entire country had lost an icon and would be affected by his demise.

The governor said that the former Supreme Court justice was “fearless, bold and courageous” while protecting the rights of the poor, deprived and defenceless.

Uduaghan said that the landmark judgments of the late eminent jurist had continued to stand the test of time.

“His judgments have stood the test of time and like good wine are eternal epitaphs from which our laws draw inspiration and are admired.

“The philosophy and wisdom behind his judgments make them almost infallible,” Uduaghan said.

The governor further recalled fond memories he spent with the legal luminary at the instance of his son and musician, Charlie Boy Oputa.

He added: “Everyone knows Charlie Boy is my friend and through him I shared a special bond and relationship with the late justice who ultimately also became a father to me.’’


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