Home NEWS POLITICS Suppression Of Political Opponents Bad Omen For Democracy, Atiku Warns PDP

Suppression Of Political Opponents Bad Omen For Democracy, Atiku Warns PDP

Atiku abubakarFormer Vice President Atiku Abubakar has warned that suppression of political opponents by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) led federal government is a bad omen for democracy.
He stressed that the excessive use of power by the PDP-led government is a tendency that portends danger to what he called decent democratic practice.
Atiku, who was reacting to the impeachment of Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State today in Abuja that wielding the axe of impeachment against elected public office holders to settle scores by the PDP-led federal government would needlessly build up tension in the country.
The former Vice President described what he called “the reckless use of impeachment to settle scores” antithetical to the intention of the framers of the 1999 Constitution.
According to him, the frequency with which elective officials were being shot down by impeachment would destroy the whole purpose of inserting the impeachment clause in the Constitution even as he regretted that the use of impeachment to harass and humiliate perceived opponents by the PDP-led federal government would ultimately bastardize the spirit in which the constitution provides for the impeachment clause.
Atiku cautioned the PDP-led federal government to take it easy in the way they use power, adding that the constitution is not meant to provide ammo to anybody to harass and humiliate opponents or force them out of office.
He criticized the use of financial inducements to influence the removal of perceived opponents from office, stressing that triumphalism in the suppression of opponents is a bad omen for democracy.



  1. He that go to equiti, must go with clean hand,when he start to running his mouth, you don't remember that you are not clean, the water runs slow, sink deep, President Jonathan is a gentle President but not a fool

  2. Atiku’s comment is totally in other, This so called wind of change should be allowed to blow through the entire country and not a particular direction as it’s happening now. The non performing governors or public office holders are not only found in Apc and APC controlled states, So please things be done the right way for the betterment of the Nigeria people…

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